Travel: Venice Beach, California
Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Straight from a long haul flight from NAIA to LAX (with an hour stopover at HongKong), we were picked up at the airport and proceeded to Venice Beach for brunch that lasted until afternoon. I've been to Santa Monica Beach before but never been to its adjacent beach -- Venice Beach. It was summer of 2014 then, ideally perfect for a day worth spending at the beach. But if not for that very long and tiring flight with matching jetlag, I could have enjoyed this beach more.
If you're into people watching, Venice Beach is the place for you. If Santa Monica seems like a laid back and calm surrounding, Venice is the other way. It is teeming with different types of people from normal to crazy ones, haha! For sure you will be entertained. While walking along the world famous Venice Beach Boardwalk, you could be encountering mimes, break dancers, pianist, singers, painter, someone clad in a crazy outfit, snake charmer, body builders with very huge biceps, preachers, man walking on broken glass and other peculiar, unique individuals who likes entertaining other people. It would be a good idea to grab a beer or coffee and just sit on a sidewalk and have fun watching these people passing by.

For art enthusiasts, Venice has an area called 'Venice Art Walls' which showcases very catchy and attractive graffiti paintings. In here any artist can paint the public walls legally, provided that he gets a valid permit. I wasn't aware at that time that such place exists in Venice Beach but just walking along the boardwalk, you could already see some buildings with painted walls as well as murals scattered anywhere.

Rental bikes are available if you want to check out the stretch of Venice Beach and Santa Monica Beach. You could also do skating if you want. For our case, we arrived almost lunch time and heat was at its peak 😩. And I was in dress and heels, add to that the tiredness that we're starting to feel. Pedaling a bike or rollerskating was the last thing on our minds that time. We however did some decent walk to check out what the famous beach has to offer.

We tried going to the shore to check out the waters but the distance between the boardwalk to the shore was just too much considering the heat of the sun. We ended up going back halfway 😂.

Me in a dress and high heels - on a beach! Haha! Please pardon me. As I said earlier, we came to this beach straight from the airport. Thus all my things are still on my luggage. Probably, on this day I became one of those weird people who made Venice Beach a must see attraction.

Walking barefoot on the fine sand, feel na feel na nasa beach kahit sobrang unprepared ng attire.

For shopping enthusiasts, Venice have highly recommended shops and restaurants located in Abbot Kinney Boulevard. Unfortunately, we were not able to check out the famous alley. Hopefully, next time 😉.

Before we went home, we were able to catch a glimpse of Venice Canals in California. These man made canals were purposely imitated from the famous canals of Venice, Italy -- probably built to give Californians the vibe as to where this place is named from.
(P.S. Summer in Los Angeles is very dry, very unlike our summer in the Philippines where we sweat it out due to our humid air. A few days after our trip to Venice Beach, I had very horrible sunburns even though I've applied sunscreen protection before I went out under the sun. This skin discoloration was too bad it was still evident even after a year I had this trip. 😭)

For shopping enthusiasts, Venice have highly recommended shops and restaurants located in Abbot Kinney Boulevard. Unfortunately, we were not able to check out the famous alley. Hopefully, next time 😉.

Before we went home, we were able to catch a glimpse of Venice Canals in California. These man made canals were purposely imitated from the famous canals of Venice, Italy -- probably built to give Californians the vibe as to where this place is named from.

(P.S. Summer in Los Angeles is very dry, very unlike our summer in the Philippines where we sweat it out due to our humid air. A few days after our trip to Venice Beach, I had very horrible sunburns even though I've applied sunscreen protection before I went out under the sun. This skin discoloration was too bad it was still evident even after a year I had this trip. 😭)