DIY Costume: Little Spider (Halloween)
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
I've found this easy tutorial in Pinterest which I think anyone can also do. Basically it consists of preparing the following parts:
1. black head with a pair of eyes
2. spider arms (made of long black socks stuffed with scratch papers or newspapers)
3. black-long sleeved top
4. black pants/trousers
5. black shoes
6. pumpkin Halloween basket (to complete the look)
7. black gloves (optional)
1. black head with a pair of eyes
2. spider arms (made of long black socks stuffed with scratch papers or newspapers)
3. black-long sleeved top
4. black pants/trousers
5. black shoes
6. pumpkin Halloween basket (to complete the look)
7. black gloves (optional)
How to Make the Spider Arms:
1. Stuff the long black socks with used papers, crumpled into balls with size as big as your fists.
2. Sew the end of the socks on the side of the shirt, a pair at each side.
3. With a black yarn or cord, tie the arms to each other (this is to be done at every side). The end part will be attached to the kid's hands since this is considered the 3rd pair of the spider's arms.
How to Make the Spider Head and Eyes:
I'm sure there are ready made eyes that you can buy in stores but I can't find any so I decided to make my own.
1. Using 2 circular cotton pads (I bought mine in South Supermarket), shape in elongated form.
2. Sew the cotton pad on a black bonnet.
3. Using a permanent marker pen, draw the black of the eyes.
Socks (inner layer) - P70 for 2 pairs, bought at Divisoria
Socks (outer layer) - 60 for 2 pairs, bought at a sidewalk somewhere
black shirt - P50, bought at Divisoria
black onesie - Kiel's own
black leggings - P70, bought at Divisoria (This is a girl's leggings actually. We had a hard time looking for a black jogging pants/trousers that fits him.)
black shoes - Kiel's own
black cord - P20, 4 yards
black bonnet - Daddy's
Total: P270.00
Kiel already has a black long-sleeve onesie but I did not want to ruin it since I had to sew the arms so I opted for a black shirt to be worn on top of the onesie. It's supposed to be plain black but I can't find any, thus the green Nike logo, lol.
Anyway, it turned out that the T-shirt-on-top was a good idea since we can easily remove his spider arms for those times that he is already fussy and uncooperative, or when he wants to rest.
Also I had to use a 2nd pair of socks since the first one we bought was very thin making the papers inside visible.
So that's it! Very easy right? Told yah. And affordable as well.
Here are more pictures of Kiel who was very cute and unique at the two Halloween parties he attended that day.