My Pole Dancing Adventure
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
It was Jobelle who introduced me to pole dancing. She was still my roomate then. She came home one day telling me that she just attended a pole dance class. I was never interested in attending any dancing classes back then since I knew how awkward my body can get 😂. However, when she told me that her instructor that day was petite and sized almost like me, I was intrigued. You know, I was always insecure of my height ( even up to this day actually).
So the next class, I tagged along with her. That was when I was introduced to Teacher CD of Polecats Manila. And from that day on, I got hooked to pole dancing.
My life was changed from boring to exciting since then. I usually do classes before my night shift work so it was my kind of exercise. Pole dancing actually is not just about being sexy and shameless dancing in kinky outfits. It was more of Strength, Flexibility and Self Confidence for me. It requires a great deal of bravery and belief in yourself in order to do all those spins and tricks and be able to finish it safely at the end.
I started from Beginner 1 class with simple spins and tricks that required me to stay still on a pole for a few seconds. As I attended more classes, I eventually was able to do inverts and combos which I thought was really unachievable when I started. I was inspired by my teachers who were really great and amazing seeing them compete in contests local and abroad. I even found myself watching youtube videos on how to nail a trick that I can't seem to do correctly during classes. During the journey, I got bruises and pains but hey, I also got some pretty muscles, HAHA.
I was so hooked I even bought my own pole. And attended the recital where I performed in front of my friends. It was really fun and I can't help but feel proud of myself whenever I post pictures of my different tricks on facebook or instagram. The best feeling I think is when I nail a trick and get leveled up with a new, more challenging trick the next class. Also with this journey, I got to meet amazing friends. Different personalities from different fields of life who enjoy the same passion as me.
I was just starting with this new chapter of my life but midway I had to stop. The baby news was unexpected which I chose to be a priority. I am still hopeful though that someday, if chance still permits, I could go back. I missed feeling strong and amazing. Also, my pole still awaits me. 😁 For the meantime, I'll just content myself with pictures I have from this extraordinary adventure of mine.